I've made a BSL video as a test, enjoy! What do you think of my BSL? Is my BSL OK or is it crap? Please don't be too hard to me if I made some mistake of some sign or grammar! lol
Hi, thank you for your comment! It's not easy to learn a new language, but maybe you know it already! But I'm trying my best! I learned BSL from a friend some years ago, that's how I started. :-)
Deaf in Sweden, doing some vlogging and blogging. Mostly I'm vlogging in my Swedish Vlog, then translate them to English here. Maybe in BSL if it's possible for me? Anyway, in the meanwhile you can read my introduction in BSL.
Your BSL is very BAD! Just kidding! Your BSL is just fine. Your grammar is perfect, bit syntax but perfect! When did you start? Ash x
Hi, thank you for your comment! It's not easy to learn a new language, but maybe you know it already! But I'm trying my best! I learned BSL from a friend some years ago, that's how I started. :-)
Your BSL is great! Wish I could sign Swedish SL as well as you can sign BSL! ;o)
Jen, thanks! And I'm learning more and more BSL! :-)
Better then Mine!! :-)
Thanks! :-)
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